On March 28th, 2017, The Storey Teller filed a public record request with Assistant County Manager, Planning Director and all around busy guy Austin Osborne. In this request we asked for the zoning of the Mustang Ranch Compound, specifically to see if any section of the property was zoned residential. This residential zoning inquiry was the result of previous requests filed with County Clerk Vanessa Stephens and County Assessor Jana Seddon.
We asked Clerk Stephens for the proof of legal residences claimed by Leonard Lance Gilman and Kris Thompson required by Nevada State Law for anyone running for office or holding an appointed office. The request from County Clerk Stephens was fulfilled in one business day. It revealed that Leonard Lance Gilman resides at 5B Wild Horse Canyon Drive and Kris Thompson resides at 56 Wild Horse Canyon Drive.
Since the United States Post Office does not show 5B or 56 Wild Horse Canyon as addresses in their system (they will return any correspondence sent there as “Address Unknown”) we asked Assessor Jana Seddon where these addresses physically were. Her response, delivered in two business days, was remarkable; Lance and Kris reside in a dual wide mobile home located behind the swimming pool at the Mustang Ranch.
Let me say that again.
Lance Gilman, one of the wealthiest men in Northern Nevada, lives in a mobile home behind the swimming pool with his employee and roommate Kris Thompson. At a the brothel.
While many Storey County Resident were born at night, none of us reading this were born last night. Suggesting this is a fact stretches credulity around the planet. Twice.

After I learned where County Commissioner Gilman and Planning Commissioner Thompson claim to live, I then sent my public record request to Mr Osborne. As stated above, this request was to determine the zoning of the Mustang Ranch and was filed on March 28. After several back and forth emails, included below, the matter went cold. I saw Mr Osborne on multiple occasions and asked him about the inquiry. I got the usual dismissive reason, “We’re in the midst of the Budget” or “I’m in the middle of revising a statute” or “My dog ate my keyboard”.
During the months of delay on the simple request of what is the zoning of the Mustang Ranch, I decided to stroll into the Community Development Department and ask them. Within 5 minutes I was holding the printout containing the zoning of the Mustang Ranch.
Nowhere on Mustang property is it zoned residential. So nobody can live there. And nobody can claim they live there. In order to live there, the property must be zoned….. residential.
Six months later…
On the six month anniversary of the initial, unfilled, public record request The Teller filed a criminal complaint with Storey County District Attorney Anne Langer and Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt. DA Langer advised me that since I was making a criminal complaint I needed to file the complaint with the Sheriff’s Office before she could proceed.
The purpose of this complaint is to hold accountable County Commissioner Gilman and Planning Commissioner Thompson for committing perjury when they filed paperwork claiming to live somewhere it is illegal to live. Since they took office illegally and since they don’t actually live at Wild Horse Canyon Drive (or anywhere else in the county for that matter) and can’t legally reside where they claimed they did, we conclude and insist they be prosecuted for perjury and removed from office.
My complaint also charged that Mr Thompson was most likely in violation of county ordinance 5.16.220 which reads in part:
5.16.220 Work card registration required.
A. It is unlawful for any person to work as an independent contractor or be employed or for a licensee to employ or allow a person on the premises of a licensed operation, unless the person is the holder of a valid current work card issued by the sheriff. Customers of the brothel are exempt from this requirement.
Because brothel work cards are not public record, I can only make the claim without actual proof. The Sheriff’s Office issues the work cards so they will immediately know if Mr Thompson holds one.
Once the Criminal Complaint is completed I will share the results with you, kind reader.
Below, find the public documents and emails filed with DA Langer, AG Laxalt and Sheriff Antinoro.
Stay Tuned…
I love you! Be prepared for some weird government thing to arrive at your door. Rich cheaters do not like publicity. Hillary Clinton for example. Best of luck getting something accomplished, get rid of thieves like Denny Dotson, the political kickback meter from Virginia city, NV and his family taking money under a promotions scam called liquid blue. Is there any honest people willing to stand up to these money hungry clods? Enough!
People warn me to check my lug nuts and watch my back. Both Heckler & Koch and Mossberg are my co-pilots so I worry very little about my back.
Your point about government arriving at my door is more like it. Thank goodness we elected a Sheriff that will not be their intimidation department. Instead they will have to resort to using county code to hassle me and since that won’t work, they’ll just have to sit and spin.
I plan on busting out a piece about the VCTC and the graft that goes on there, asking the question why do we spend 10% of our budget on 100 businesses in the County, many of whom don’t live or own property in Storey County.
What is “At a the brothel”? Unbelievable that you will report on the violation of this law, yet say nothing about the criminal you have for a sheriff. I have, in my hands, a rape report from 2014 involving the sheriff and Deputy Tony Docen. Sparks criminal report number 14-430. You can get your own intriguing copy for only $5.00. The sheriff is also guilty of a class D felony; that of assisting in the concealment of a child from her biological father. I have documentation of this as well. At least the Mustang is contributing to the community. What is the sheriff doing for the community other than getting charged with ethics violations and sexual harassment? Why aren’t you reporting on any of this? Sounds to me that you’re pretty biased in your reporting and are not taking a non-biased, third person point of view; something that all seasoned reporters do. Oh, and it may behoove you to take a grammar class or two to brush up on your writing skills. I guarantee you’ll hear nothing but crickets from the direction of Anne Langer’s office. Good luck with that!
Susan, thanks for reading The Teller.
I have read the Sparks Police report. The entire county read similar things when Lance Gilman sent us the smeary stuff and dropped $ 160,000 on the Recall Effort. All the charges in the world have yet to result in arrest or conviction.
I have read the Family Court Custody Documents. It’s pretty hard to conceal a child from a father who abandoned the child and fled the state. The father is concealing himself from his responsibility while imposing a hardship on the child’s mother by not fulfilling his child support responsibility.
Interestingly, this matter has nothing to do with the fact that the County Commissioner doesn’t live in the county and committed perjury.
If you’d like you can report me to Sheriff Antinoro.
He has an entire Internet division of grammar police standing at the ready to correct and serve.
I called them on you for not capitalizing the proper noun “Sheriff”… 😀
I have a history with Gilman and Norman. I cannot reveal all I know until I am confident the many people involved will not be esposed.
Wow…you are obviously reading the smear campaign against my husband. Your ‘facts’ are incredibly skewed. The fact that you’ve “read the family court documents” tells me you’re in bed with the sheriff as well and much of the rest of Storey County. As for “sheriff” being a proper noun, the word is only capitalized if it is followed by a proper noun; for example the name of the sheriff himself. I dusted off my master’s degree in English and clarified this rule. Truth be told there is nothing proper about your sheriff, therefore I would not capitalize his name regardless of the English rules of capitalization. My husband did not flee the state. He merely moved. My husband pays child support as well as health insurance for his daughter. If you would like to hear the other side of the story, something all good reporters should do, please contact me directly.