Elect Sam Toll For County Commissioner

Clay Mitchell and Sam Toll Square Off in Candidate Forum

Sam Toll and Clay Mitchell will participate in a candidate forum on Wednesday, September 16th at 6:00 pm. The forum will allow the candidates to present their platforms and answer questions from voters. The event is hosted by Gerald Antinoro of Hilltop Farms. We will post the audio here on The Teller in case you are unable to attend.

If you want to submit a question, you can do so at the forum inside the chat feature, or by sending an email to gantinoro@hotmail.com.

The Zoom Meeting login address is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86430157230
Meeting ID: 864 3015 7230
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Meeting ID: 864 3015 7230
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Elect Sam Toll For County Commissioner

About Sam Toll

Sam Toll is a native of Gold Hill and returned home in 2016 after 35 years in the Sacramento Valley. He enjoys old cars and loud music. And writing.

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  1. I was able to watch most of the debate on Wednesday. I have a question regarding your comments on Storey County payroll.
    If you are elected as commissioner, do I need to be concerned about my full time position with the county? You mentioned unnecessary positions held in certain departments, layoffs and payroll cuts. Please correct me if I misunderstood. I don’t see the audio posted yet for me to listen again.

    • The vast majority of people working for the County do a great job, are hard-working and conscientious professionals who deliver excellent value to the taxpayers.

      The unnecessary positions directly referred to the no-bid contracts held by Mike Nevin, Pat Whitten, and formerly with Gary Hames, not specifically to employees.

      That said, people all over the County; county employees, former commissioners, and private sector folks tell me our county is top-heavy.

      When elected, I will take the temperature by conducting an audit to look at every department with an eye for efficiency, redundancy, and performance.

      We are in for some rough sledding. Our revenue has fallen thanks to COVID. Future revenue growth is not something we should count on. And we could get crushed if Washoe is successful in coming after our revenue at TRIC.

      The only way to react to this reality is to make cuts in our spending.

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