Elect Sam Toll For County Commissioner
Bingo Night

4th Bingo Night at Rainbow Bend

Lockwood Social Club Bingo Night

The Teller attended the Rainbow Bend Social Club’s bingo night on Saturday. After a potluck dinner and dessert, the bingo fun started. There were roughly 100 people in attendance and the Bingo festivities lasted for about an hour and a half.

Dave Hart was filling in for Bingo Bob, according to Dave was enjoying bingo on the other side of the microphone on his “honeymoon”. Dave did a great job with the numbers, but still managed to illicit a few comments from the peanut gallery.


B-12. B-12.


Dry Bingo

Signs posted throughout the venue notified the revelers there was a zero tolerance no alcohol policy in place for the night. Apparently the Rainbow Bend HOA, acting on advice from their attorney sent a letter requesting no booze without insurance.

While there has never been an alcohol related incident during any Bingo events held in the past, the social club respected the request while they go about obtaining the requesite coverage. Bingo enthusiasts who prefer wet bingo to dry bingo can rest easy. The Social Club expects to have things back to normal by the time Bingo Bob is ready to call another game.

“The crowd was a little more testy tonight. It could have been because things were dry, but who knows?”, explained MC Dave Hart. He called the numbers and was heckled lightly during the festivities. As one point he paused for a few uncomfortable seconds after pulling a number and was asked “Did you fall asleep?” resulting in a room full of laughter.


Raffle winner picks up the goods.



All in all, the night was a success; fun was had by all. While nobody won the final blackout game in 54 numbers for the $100 prize, winners pocketed cash and left smiling. The Teller wishes to thank the Social Club for the invite and we look forward to our next action packed game.

Larry Austin won the chicken dinner. Or at least the snack.

of July

The next event scheduled for the Rainbow Bend Social Club is a Luau Potluck on July 27th.

Be there or be an inverse tetrahedron.


Stay Tuned!

Woah, dude… 4th of July trippy, man. Ugh. I’m. Getting. Dizzy.

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Elect Sam Toll For County Commissioner

About Sam Toll

Sam Toll is a native of Gold Hill and returned home in 2016 after 35 years in the Sacramento Valley. He enjoys old cars and loud music. And writing.

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  1. Hopefully the booze will return next month until the HOA Board wants to complain about something else, I wonder if they will get the cooler working behind the bar? But probably not since they just really want to do away with the social club

  2. Sam Toll, 7/8/19
    If I could get this type of attendance at my weekly (for 26 years) Reno/Washoe
    govt meeting “Sam DNA Shows”, the area might not be in such a dastardly
    treacherous pickle.
    And media wacko freaks would not be allowed free “rain” with their burying
    of Sam DNA’s ubiquitous Truths.
    Just sayin’….
    Sam DNA Dehne http://www.renocitizen.com/samvictories.htm

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