Elect Sam Toll For County Commissioner

Puckered Pumpkins, Prepare for Pummeling – Nicole Barde, Cynthia Kennedy & STO

The Editor of the StoreyTeller.online is a hardcore libertarian. Hardcore libertarians fight tax hikes because politicians and government officials at every onion-like layer are addicted to our money.

They lust after our money so they can feed at the trough they pour our money into. Bloated salaries. Spectacular Health Care. Incredible Retirement.

Our money is the foundation of our liberty. Taxation crucifies Liberty. It disembowels Freedom. So we fight it tooth and nail. Every time. Every place. Every Bat Station.

We defeated the 3% fuel tax by vote, the consent (or in this case the non-consent) of the governed. So now they turn around and shove a 5% tax up our pumpkins. Stand firm. Just Say No. No new taxes. No old taxes. No millenial taxes. No preemie taxes.

No. More. Taxes!



By Nicole Barde


Below is a message from Cynthia Kennedy resident of the Virginia City Highlands about an impending tax increase.

The voters of Storey county voted NO, NO, NO to a gas and diesel tax increase in the November election. Now the state is doing an end run around the will of the voters. . Remember the margin tax….this is like that.

If passed this bill will allow the counties to raise the tax

Our commissioners are in favor of this tax…..are you?

Please make your voice heard again….and let County Manager Pat Whitten know what you want. Here is his email: pwhitten@storeycounty.org

Also keep on the lookout for a lifting of the property tax cap…if passed this will increase our property taxes. This is how they plan to increase revenues to finance the increased expenses.

Remember…. citizens don’t get property tax or sales tax abatements…..only large companies do. We are now paying for those abatements!

As I have reported year after year, 80 % ++ of our county budget expenses are salaries and benefits. I expect that the state budget is the same. The salaries and/or benefits go up every year. In Storey , revenues have been basically flat for the last several years yet expenses continue to go up. These tax increases if passed, and the money out of our pockets , are going to fund these continued salary and benefit increases….I don’t see us getting better or more services…do you?

I don’t know about you but I am tired of politicians ignoring the will of the voters……I am tired of them thinking we are stupid, I am tired of them betting that we are not paying attention or don’t care enough to fight their decisions. Please take the time to know what is happening and make your voice heard…. either for yes or for no….


And now from Cynthia:

Please forward this to your friends and neighbors, as EVERYBODY in Nevada, MUST call, & email on this!

SB439: This is a 5 cent tax on each gallon of Diesel Fuel. Increasing the cost of Diesel Fuel increases the cost of everything, because everything in Nevada has to be trucked in, including food, clothing, medicine, etc. Don’t increase the cost of living!!! Taxes are pushing the middle class into poverty! The bill was amended requiring a 2/3 votes by the County Commission before the tax could be raised.


Republican Senators Gansert and Kieckhefer in Committee

VOTED to Raise Taxes and are FOR this bill!

Kieckhefer voted last session for the Largest Tax Increase in Nevada history. He has certainly betrayed Republicans and Taxpayers AGAIN. Senator Gansert was not here last session but this is a very bad indication that she is also betraying us. (Gansert reversed her right to vote against the bill on the floor.)

 MESSAGE: (write your own message). I am terribly disappointed that you voted for SB439 to allow diesel

taxes to be raise by County Commissions. This violates the Republican Platform and principles. Please vote against SB439 on the floor of the Senate.

 Please Call: Heidi Gansert 775-684-1419, Ben Kieckhefer 775-233-9618

Ben.Kieckhefer@…, Heidi.Gansert@…

 Please Thank Senator Roberson for Voting NO on SB439 which raises taxes on diesel fuel.

775-684-1481 Michael.Roberson@…

Also post your NO opinion on this hotline:

Nevada Legislative Hotline connects with all offices:, Reno/Carson 775-684-6800

Share your opinion with the Legislature: https://www.leg.state.nv.us/App/Opinions/79th2017/A/


 Cynthia Kennedy

Elect Sam Toll For County Commissioner

About Sam Toll

Sam Toll is a native of Gold Hill and returned home in 2016 after 35 years in the Sacramento Valley. He enjoys old cars and loud music. And writing.

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  1. Greetings and keep hammering. You say 80% of Storey County’s budget is salaries/benefits. Can you get comparisons from other Nevada counties?

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