This press release from the extra wonderful Executive Director of the St. Mary’s Art Center A. Perry showcases the extra wonderful facelift bestowed upon the former hospital.
Mad props to Jason Van Havel’s team and Storey County for this magnificent effort.
If you haven’t yet taken the time to visit St. Mary’s this year, what are you waiting for?
We have had the amazingly good fortune to be the recipients of so much support this past year. Our property looks beautiful and we have enjoyed all of the positive feedback from our guests and visitors. All of this generosity and support allows us to continue to focus on our mission to support arts and culture and the ongoing restoration needs of this historical landmark property.
Storey County generously paved our driveway and it is such an improvement from the gravel! The driveway is truly beautiful and compliments our new landscaping and signage. It will also be much more user friendly during the winter months.
We also have wonderful volunteers and thank each of them so very much. They are simply wonderful and we love them.
A team of people came together to complete our new signage project. Karl Gambrall and Joe Curtis brought in their big equipment to remove our previous entrance signage and prepare the ground for the new sign installation and landscaping. Paula Burris created the graphic design of the new sign, Tom Turman built the signage, Joe Curtis painted the signage, and Tom, Melody Pitts and Beth and Rod Day installed it. We still have a little bit more painting to go for the posts and back of the sign and twining the trumpet vines up them this week, but we love the new look.
We have a gorgeous front entry to the property and also to the building. Shade, herb and wildflower gardens complete the transformation. It took a dedicated team of hard working volunteers to pull this off. Steve Williams designed a stunning landscape design for the grounds and building. Lowes gave us very deep discounts, and Kat was extremely helpful in ordering the plants and supporting the overall project. Steve Williams, Pete Paulos, D Perry, Sherry Bailey, Diane Ciminaro, Sheila and Rocky Hall, Melody Pitts, Darci Allison and Beth Day spent many, many days planting…and planting. Lorie Buice, Pete and Steve, among others, have also generously donated plants or funding to the project.
The maintenance repairs of the property are diligently taken care of by volunteer Melody Pitts. She not only saves us a great deal of money with her experience and volunteered time, but she is very careful with the building and her systems. It is a relief to know we can count on her to help and to do it so carefully.
The Comstock Classics Car Club, TRI and the Mustang Ranch generously donated funds to purchase and install new security sytems. Preferred Networks have been volunteering their time to help design the systems and work on installation of the main system.
Thank you, once again, to all of our volunteers and supporters, both private and business, and Storey County for the time, attention, expertise and generosity. Special thanks is also due to Board Member and Commissioner Jack McGuffey, for being the advocate for the driveway and paving and security system projects. We are grateful and appreciate the ability to now focus on the next chapter and programming.
We are open Friday through Sunday 11am – 4pm. Direct reservations or tour requests are also available. There are many new and exciting things happening this year…please come support the artists and see the changes for yourself. We also have a great new membership program for those who wish to join us.
We look forward to seeing you soon.
– St. Mary’s Art Center Staff & Board of Trustees
Before the Improvements