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Elect Sam Toll For County Commissioner

Easter Egg Hunt in Lockwood

The Storey County Sheriff’s Office and We Care hosted an Easter Egg hunt at the Louise Peri Park at 9:00 am yesterday. Dozens of kids lined up to gather eggs in the early morning.

Buoyed by enthusiasm, the stalwart youths braved the chill and dashed at the appointed time to gather eggs. Special eggs were marked with an x and earned the gatherer a special prize. The prizes were awarded in the Community Center after all eggs were found.

Fun was had by kids of all ages.

Special thanks to the Volunteers, We Care and Sheriff Gerald Antinoro and the Storey County Sheriff’s Office.


Elect Sam Toll For County Commissioner

About Sam Toll

Sam Toll is a native of Gold Hill and returned home in 2016 after 35 years in the Sacramento Valley. He enjoys old cars and loud music. And writing.

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  1. I love our Rainbow Bend Community and our Sheriff ❤️😎🌸

    • I was really impressed at the sense of community and warmth I encountered at the River’s Bend. I look forward to meeting more folks in the community and having more fun near the Truckee’s Silvery Rills.

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