About The Storey Teller
The Storey Teller’s mission statement is to educate and irritate.
Our goal is to provide information on what is going on in the county that goes un or under-reported. We believe there is a purposeful lack of information and transparency within county governance. And we use the light of day to help spotlight areas that concern Storey County residents.
We provide a source of irritation to the Good Old Boys who operate “The Biggest Little County in the World” with selfish impunity since forever. For too long, these guys and gals have operated in their best interest with little concern for the interest of the rest of us.
Most people don’t have the time to engage and pay close attention to what our elected and appointed officials are up to. And very few people have the time or patience to stomach an entire County Commissioners meeting. Call us crazy, but we do.
The Right People Love What We Do And The Right People Hate It.
Expect us to deliver mosquito activism; always buzzing around, sometimes drawing blood to benefit the citizens at the expense of the people who think they own this county to benefit those who do; We The People.
Our battle is against waste, abuse, fraud, and self-interest over public interest. And the good news is that the right people love what we do and the right people hate it.
You can express your opinion anonymously without fear of reprisal. We encourage participation from the both the washed and unwashed, the seen and the unseen. If you have a rant to rave about or would like to rouse the rabble, send an email to editor@thestoreyteller.online. If you want to say your piece and not lose your job or get red tagged (typical repercussion of the Good Old Boy network for speaking out), you can safely do so here.
The Teller is read by thousands every week and is a production of Gold Hill native Sam Toll.
Contact us: US Mail at Post Office Box 78, Virginia City, NV 89440 or by calling (775) 583-8655
If you would like to contact us through this website, fill out this form and we’ll respond.